HEOA Disclosures
Just Dotting The I’s and Crossing The T’s
table of contents
Transfer Hours from a licensee to attend additional education for second license are set forth by the SC state board of Cosmetology, they are as follows below.
faculties / staff
Strand College of Hair Design occupies two buildings with offices, classrooms, practical clinic stations, client reception and waiting area, dispensary, student lounge, and supply storage rooms. The buildings are located at 423 79th Ave. N. and at 419 79th Ave. N. in Myrtle Beach, SC. The college maintains an inventory of modern and up-to-date equipment, including state-of-the art digital audio-visual training aids.
The freshman classroom is located at 419 79th Ave. N., and senior classroom and clinical area at 423 79th Ave. N. The admissions office, financial aid department and other administrative offices are located at 419 79th Avenue North, Suite 3, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Strand College of Hair Design, both in practice and spirit, respects copyrighted material and prohibits any copying of copyrighted materials in any form or manner. Any copyright infringements will be immediately reported to proper authorities for civil and or criminal sanctions.
In general, unless specifically identified as copyrighted, materials on the web are considered to be available for downloading and sharing.
Cosmetology Course
$100 – Application Fee
$15,000 – Tuition
$1,800 – Kits/supplies
$16,900 – TOTAL
Esthetics Course
$100 – Application Fee
$7,000 – Tuition
$1,550 – Kits/supplies
$8,650 – TOTAL
Teacher Training Course
$100 – Application Fee
$8,344 – Tuition
Tuition Includes – Kits/supplies
$8,444 – TOTAL
Massage Therapy and Bodywork
$100 – Application Fee
$9,015 – Tuition
Tuition Includes – Kits/supplies
$9,115 – TOTAL
These are the total costs of the courses offered at Strand College of Hair Design. These fees also include all the textbooks and supplies that the student will need to complete the course. There are no other required costs or fees by the College. Various additional kits/supplies are available to the students upon student request to purchase, which include but not limited to specialized nail, esthetic, and LEVEL/Board Examination Kits. Personal assigned kits will be distributed near 500 actual hours based upon student being in compliance of Satisfactory Progress at 451 hours and personal payments and/or Title IV Disbursements.
Enrollment Agreement
Each student will be required to sign an enrollment agreement before beginning school. This agreement is a contract stating the exact cost of the course and the College’s refund policy. Students who are 18 years of age and over may accept financial responsibility for their education. Students who are under 18 years of age are required to have their parent, guardian, or sponsoring institution present for signing.
From time to time, various educators and platform artists are brought into the college by product manufactures to conduct special classes. Most of these classes are provided at no extra cost to the student. A few of the hands on classes may require the student to purchase supplies in order to participate in the class. Any class that requires a fee is optional.
Course Scheduling Change Fee
When a student requests a change in their schedule, they must sign a re-contracting form. There is a $150.00 fee for re-contracting unless amendment due to LOA.
The intent of this policy is to make certain that the college is in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act and Section 86.210 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations. This policy is stated in Rules & Regulations, Repercussion Policy, and the Employee Manual. The student/staff are prohibited from using, possessing, or distributing any illicit drugs or alcohol on the premises or any college sponsored activity. Any employee or student violating this policy will be dismissed from the college and given a list of counseling, rehabilitation, or re-entry programs available in the area. Any student dismissed due to having or using alcohol or drugs on campus may reapply to attend with documentation of counseling and/or rehabilitation of issue that prompted the dismissal. For more information regarding alcohol/drug additions go to www.wilmingtontreatment.com.
This information is available on the following external website. Borrower Counseling Sessions.
Strand College of Hair Design abides by the US Dept. of Education Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, (FERPA), students have the right to review, inspect, and challenge the accuracy of the information kept in a cumulative file by the school unless the student waives this right. This act also insures that records cannot be released to any third party without the written consent of the student, or the parent/guardian of a dependent minor.
The release form is available from the Instructor or Administration. Senior students wanting release of information or recommendation for future employment should sign a release prior to having potential employers contact the college. This Act allows for information to be released without the student’s consent to government agencies such as US Dept. of Education, accrediting commissions (NACCAS), SC State Board of Cosmetology and their representatives, as well as any College employee in need of student records. The FERPA Act of 1974 is accessible on the Student Bulletin Board, in the Admissions Office as well as the US Department of Education website, www.ed.gov.
The Median Loan amount of a student graduating from Strand College of Hair Design in 2016 is $9500.00
net price calculator
An updated calculator is coming soon!
Obtaining Financial Aid
More information for obtaining financial aid can be obtained from www.fafsa.ed.gov.
The College maintains the following policies for the unused portion of the tuition fees.
- The College will not release to any licensing board or other schools, any certified hours or transcripts unless all financial and contractual obligates have been met.
- When a student withdrawals and financial-aid is returned to the Department of Education only the hours paid for will be released. The hours earned will be released to the student licensing board or other schools within ten days of the receipt of the payment.
- If the College is permanently closed and no longer offering instruction after the Student has enrolled, the Student may be entitled “pro-rata” refund of the tuition. Student will be notified of any existing teach-out agreement with another college and/or the related bond assigned to the State. The teach-out agreement and students’ records retention and disposition plan will follow the NACCAS and South Carolina state guidelines.
- Student will receive a certified transcript of hours for which the College has been Compensated within 10 working days of official withdrawal in writing received by the College from the Student. Any additional certified transcripts will cost $20.00 (Twenty) Dollars each.
- ________(initials) Student has reviewed a copy of College Rules & Regulations included in the College Catalog (on website or requested a printed copy). State Regulations are posted throughout the College. (This is on the enrollment agreement).
- Any monies due the applicant or student shall be refunded within 30 days of official cancellation or withdrawal. Official cancellation or withdrawal shall occur on the earlier dates that:
- An applicant is not accepted by the COLLEGE. The applicant shall be entitled to a refund of all monies paid with the exception of the application fee.
- A student (or in the case of a student under the age of 18, his/her parent or guardian) cancels his/her enrollment contract and demands refund, in writing or in person, within three working days of the signing of an enrollment contract, all monies collected shall be refunded with the exception of the application fee. This policy applies regardless of whether or not the student has actually started training.
- A student cancels his/her enrollment contract after three business days after signing, but prior to entering classes. The student shall be entitled to a refund of all monies paid less the application and enrollment fees of $150.00.
- A student notifies the College of his/her withdrawal.
- A student on an approved leave of absence notifies the College that he/she will not be returning. The date of withdrawal shall be the earlier of the date of expiration of the leave of absence of the date the student notifies the College that he/she will not be
returning. - A student is expelled by the College.
- For any cancellations or withdrawals reflected in #6 above, the cancellation date will be determined by the postmark on written notification, or the date said information is delivered to the College administrative staff or owner in person.
- Any monies due a student who unofficially withdraws from the College shall be refunded within 30 days of determination by the College that the student has withdrawn without notifying the College. To determine unofficial withdrawals, the school will monitor each students each student’s completion of class participation in learning activities (attendance, assignments, exams, etc.) Unofficial withdrawals are monitored according to US Department of Education which is based on absences for 14 consecutive calendar days.
- When situations of mitigating circumstances are in evidence, the College may choose to consider refund calculations where, as a result, the student may receive a larger refund or the school may be entitled to a lesser amount of tuition. This calculation is rarely considered and by no means will ever conflict with the US Department of Education guidelines.
- The College reserves the right to cancel classes due to reduced enrollment at any time. If class is in progress and further classes are canceled due to Instructor availability, monies will be refunded as on contracted basis.
- For students who enroll in and begin classes, the following schedule of Tuition adjustments will apply:
%Of Enrollment Time of CourseAmount of Total Tuition
Owed to the College.01% to 4.9% 20% 5.00% to 9.9% 30% 10.00% to 14.9% 40% 15.00% to 24.9% 45% 25.00% to 49.9% 70% 50.00% or over 100% - Title VI recipients may be subject to a “pro-rata” refund in compliance Federal guidelines.
- “Enrollment Time” is defined as the time elapsed between the actual starting date and the date of the student’s last day of physical attendance in the college. Any monies due the applicant or student shall be refunded within 30 days of formal cancellation by the student or formal termination by the school, which shall occur no more than 30 days from the last day of physical attendance.
- If the College is permanently closed and no longer is offering instruction after a student enrolled, the student shall be entitled to a pro-rata refund of the tuition.
- If a course is canceled subsequent to a student’s enrollment, the school shall at its option:
- Provide a full refund of all monies paid or,
- Provide completion of the course.
- Kits/Mannikins assigned to student remain property of the college until student graduates. These items will NOT be removed from the classroom nor student salon area, unless given permission by Instructor. The student’s rights hereunder may not be assigned, but the school may sell, assign or transfer its rights to payment hereunder. Both parties hereto are bound to the faithful and earnest performance of the enrollment contract.
School Emergency information
Campus Security
The Students Right to Know
Strand College of Hair Design has designated Jordan Poole as the contact person for any issues relating to campus security.
- Strand College of Hair Design requests that students and employees report any criminal activity and or actions on campus to the designated individual. Jordan Poole or appropriate college administrator will assist the student/employee in reporting the incident to the local authorities.
- The school owner, director, and supervisor are the individuals responsible for the security of the institutional facility.
- Strand College of Hair Design refers all campus law enforcement issues to the local police or proper authorities since the institution does not have any campus security personnel. Strand College of Hair Design encourages prompt reporting of any criminal activity/actions as being in the best interest to all students and staff.
- Should the need arise Strand College of Hair Design will promptly enact a Crime Watch Program. However, as of present we have not had any reported crimes so we continue to encourage all students and staff to watch and be cognizant of crime in all society.
- There are currently no crime prevention systems in place at this time. However, should the need arise Strand College of Hair Design will immediately institute such measures.
- Strand College of Hair Design has requested that local police notify the institution of criminal activity/action engaged in by students at off campus locations.
- Please refer to our Drug Abuse Policy, regarding the possession, use, or sale of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs.
- During the most recent calendar year (January 1,2010 to December 31, 2010) there were ZERO arrests for the following: Murder, Aggravated Assault, Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Sexual Assault, Burglary, Motor Vehicle Theft.
- During the most recent calendar year (January 1,2010 to December 31, 2010) there were ZERO arrests for the following crimes on campus: Liquor Law Violations, Drug Abuse Violations, Weapons Possession Violations.
- Strand College of Hair Design, in attempt to prevent similar occurrences, will report any instances of crime or other nature considered to be a threat to all students and employees.
Campus Fire Safety
Policies Regarding Campus Fire Safety
The fire extinguishers located in Strand College of Hair Design will be inspected professionally by a firm specializing in such inspections. Emergency lights and Exit lights will be inspected by the property manager monthly as well as annually by the fire marshall to assure they are operational.
A fire evacuation drill will be conducted at least once a year and a record of such will be kept in the College Administration Office.
Detailed Evacuation Route diagrams will be posted in key areas of Strand College of Hair Design for all students and employees. The policies related to fire safety are reviewed during student orientation prior to that student attending class.
In the event of an evacuation all classrooms have the evacuation routes posted at the entrance of the room. In addition all exits are clearly marked and students will be made aware of these routes.
Timely Emergency Warnings
In the event of a school closing or weather emergency i.e. Hurricane, Snow or Ice, students will be notified by post on College website, social media pages, or email.
Students with documented learning disabilities must disclose this at time of Admissions. Students will be evaluated by Instructional staff to analyze specific needs. The staff will meet with the student to set forth a plan to help the student obtain educational goals. In most incidences the student will be given increased time for testing as well as other individual one-on-one time as needed.


Strand College of Hair Design uses the Pivot Point Salon Fundamentals Text Books.
These books are only available to licensed schools, and therefore not in any commercial book stores.
Access to online text books and the students have the choice to purchase the physical ones.TITLE IV CODE OF CONDUCT
Title-IV Loan School Code of Conduct
No employee or staff member of Strand College of Hair Design is or will be paid directly or indirectly based on revenue sharing.
No employee or staff member of Strand College of Hair Design will accept a gift(cash, material, or any other consideration that could be considered of monetary value) from any outside source that could be viewed as a bribe or an enticement to enter into an arrangement with any company or secure influence in financial aid matters, such as securing or selecting any bank or servicer, etc.
Strand College of Hair Design does not and will not enter into consulting or contracting arrangements based on recruitment or revenue sharing.
Strand College of Hair Design is a Direct Loan Lender school and has not nor will not enter into any other lender arrangements so no lender other than through the Direct Loan Program is assigned to first time borrowers
Strand College of Hair Design only certifies loans through the Direct Loan Program and thus does not engage nor will it engage in any refusal to certify or delay certification based on lender choice.
Strand College of Hair Design will not accept assistance in staffing or any other form that it has not paid a fair market price.
No employee or staff member will enter into an advisory board service for which compensation is exchanged.
Any and all loan funds made available through Stand College of Hair Design are solely for postsecondary expenses related to attending Strand College of Hair Design. No outside private educational loans are made outside of the Direct Loan program and an internal finance plan arranged when the student enrolls. Any internal loan is issued in compliance with the terms of the Truth in Lending Act and must be completely paid prior to the student being certified as a graduate.
No employee or staff member of Strand College of Hair Design will accept any offer of funds from private lenders related to any of the activities of Strand College of Hair Design that could be viewed as a bribe or enticement.
Strand College of Hair Design has not entered into any preferred lender arrangements.
Prospective applicants wanting to transfer and receive credit hours from another cosmetology college to Strand College of Hair Design must submit a letter in writing during admission process. The letter should include information regarding college attended, dates attended, grades, and hours obtained. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact prior college and obtain a certified grade and hour transcript sent to Strand College of Hair Design. Appropriate practical and theory tests will be given to the applicant in accordance to the transcript received. The Instructor, Admissions Representative, and Educational Director will review the results of the test along with the grades and hour transcript from the precious school attended. Admissions will inform applicant of hours that will be transferable to Strand College of Hair Design. NO Hours will be transferred in after a student has enrolled and is attending classes.
Transfer Examinations are given monthly or as scheduled by the Admissions Office. ALL APPLICANTS ARE REQUIRED TO BRING THEIR OWN SUPPLIES IN ORDER TO TEST. The testing fee will be discussed by the Admission office. The Admissions Office schedules all transfer examinations.
Strand College of Hair Design currently does not require proof of vaccination for admittance to the institution.
In accordance with the Violence Against Women Act, campus victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking are afforded additional rights and prompt institutional action. For exact definitions of the types of violence listed above, please see administration. Strand College of Hair Design will comply with a student’s request in notifying authorities and can advise in the steps for filing a police report.
A student or employee who reports to Strand College of Hair Design that he or she has been a victim of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking has the right to a prompt, fair and impartial disciplinary proceeding in which the following apply:
- Proceeding is consistent with Strand College of Hair Design’s policies and transparent to the accuser and the accused.
- Officials are appropriately trained and do not have a conflict or bias for or against the accuser or the accused.
- The accuser and the accused have equal opportunities to have others present, including an advisor of their choice in any meeting or Strand College of Hair Design disciplinary proceeding. An advisor is any individual who provides the accuser or accused support, guidance or advice. Strand College of Hair Design does not limit the choice of advisor or presence for either the accuser or the accused in any meeting or institutional disciplinary proceeding. Strand College of Hair Design may remove or dismiss advisors who become disruptive.
- The accuser and the accused receive simultaneous notification, in writing, of the result of the proceeding and any available appeal procedures.
- The proceeding is completed in a reasonably prompt timeframe. The process allows for the extension of timeframes for good cause, with written notice to the accuser and the accused of the delay and the reason for the delay.
- The accuser and the accused are given timely notice of meetings at which one or the other or both may be present
- The accuser, the accused and the appropriate officials are given timely and equal access to information that will be used during informal and formal disciplinary meetings and hearings.
- In a hearing, the accused and accuser may never cross examine each other personally. Each party will have advisors who may ask questions on their behalf.
- In hearings, students can never cross examine each other. Each student will have an advisor who may ask questions on their behalf.
The proceeding must be one that lacks hidden agendas and conditions, makes appropriate information available to each party, and is fair and clear to all parties.
“Proceeding” is defined as all activities related to a non-criminal resolution of an institutional disciplinary complaint, including, but not limited to, fact finding investigations, formal or informal meetings, and hearings. Proceeding does not include communications and meetings between officials and victims concerning accommodations or protective measures to be provided to a victim.
All parties will be informed of their rights during an investigation. Generally, sexual misconduct investigations will be completed within 60 days and protected class discrimination and harassment investigations will be completed within 90 days. Should any delay occur, all parties will be informed in writing as soon as is practical, and will be notified when the results of the resolution process become final. The results will also be included in the college’s annual crime report if necessary.
If the student feels they could benefit from counseling services from this type of event, Strand College of Hair Design will provide information to local support centers in the area.
In accordance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, the institution collects campus crime statistics and prepares this report for distribution to all students, employees, and applicants for enrollment or employment. This report is distributed annually in September to all current and prospective students and employees. All data in this report is information from the Myrtle Beach Police Department. In addition, the report is provided to all individuals during enrollment or employment orientation that is conducted with each start class or upon hiring of a new employee. At that time, students and employees review the report and receive a description of the campus security procedures and further information regarding the prevention of crimes. Any individual can request a copy of this report at any time.
The school encourages all students and employees to be responsible for their own security and the security of others. The school does not employ campus security officials. Therefore, the security of the campus is the direct responsibility of each employee and administrator. No such individuals have the authority to make arrests. All individuals are requested to report immediately any known criminal offense or other emergency occurring on campus to the school administration at the administration office. All individuals are encouraged to promptly report all crimes to appropriate police agencies. The campus administration will report all known criminal offenses to the local law enforcement authorities. The school has no policy or procedure regarding confidential crime reporting in relation to crime statistics reporting. Any off campus events are supervised by campus employees. Therefore, the school will monitor and report criminal activity at such events to local law enforcement authorities. No student will have access to the campus facility, other than the parking area, at any time unless supervised by a staff member.
Everyone should remember that personal safety begins with you. The following should be considered:
When walking on campus, be aware of who and what is around you. Try not to walk alone.
Do not carry large amounts of cash.
Keep your motor vehicle in good running condition. Always lock your car and remove all packages and any valuables which are visible.
Do not leave books or personal property unattended in the classroom.
The following criminal offenses occurred on campus during the calendar year 2016 and the 2 previous years.
(Campus is defined as ‘any building or property owned or controlled by the school within the same contiguous geographic area and used by the school in direct support of or related to its educational purpose.’ There are no buildings or properties owned or controlled by the school’s student organizations which are recognized by this institution.)
In an effort to reduce crime, all employees and students are provided with handouts and procedures geared toward personal protection and the prevention of crime during the orientation process. In addition, periodically, local law enforcement official and guest speakers are invited to the staff and students about crime prevention methods. Drug and Alcohol is prohibited at all times at the school. This is defined as unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession or use of a controlled substance, including alcohol.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse Hotline: 1-800-662-HELP
Anti-Harassment and Discrimination Policy
Strand College of Hair Design is committed to providing a work and school environment free of unlawful harassment or discrimination. In furtherance of this commitment, all student and employees are required to take our mandatory Sexual Harassment and Prevention Training. This policy prohibits harassment or discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), military or veteran status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, age, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information or any other basis protected by the federal, state or local law. Additionally, in accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Strand College prohibits discrimination based on sex, which includes sexual harassment and sexual violence, and Strand College has jurisdiction over Title IX complaints.
Strand College’s anti-harassment policy applies to all persons involved in the operation of Strand College, and prohibits unlawful harassment by any employee of Strand College, as well as students, customers, vendors or anyone who does business with Strand College. It further extends to prohibit unlawful harassment by or against students. Any employee, student or contract worker who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. To the extent a customer, vendor or other person with whom Strand College of Hair Design does business engages in unlawful harassment or discrimination, the institution will take appropriate corrective action.
As part of Strand College’s commitment to providing a harassment-free working and learning environment, this policy shall be disseminated to Strand College of Hair Design’s community through publication, website, new employee orientation, student orientation, and other appropriate channels of communication. The school provides training to key staff members to enable Strand College to handle any allegations of sexual harassment or sexual violence promptly and effectively. Strand College will respond quickly to all reports, and will take appropriate action to prevent, to correct, and if necessary, to discipline behavior that violates this policy.
Sexual Harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. It includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment is conduct that explicitly or implicitly affects a person’s employment or education or interferes with a person’s work or educational performance or creates an environment such that a reasonable person would find the conduct intimidating, hostile or offensive.
Sexual Violence is defined as physical sexual acts engaged in without the consent of the other person or when the other person in unable to consent to the activity. Sexual violence includes sexual assault, rape, battery, and sexual coercion; domestic violence; dating violence; and stalking.
Domestic Violence is defined as abuse committed against an adult or a minor who is a spouse or former spouse, cohabitant or former cohabitant, or someone with whom the abuser has a child, has an existing dating or engagement relationship, or has had a former dating or engagement relationship.
Dating Violence is defined as abuse committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim.
Sexual Assault occurs when a physical sexual activity is engaged in without the consent of the other person or when the other person is unable to consent to the activity. The activity or conduct may include physical force, violence, threat, or intimidation, ignoring the objections of the other person, causing the other person’s intoxication or incapacitation through the use of drugs or alcohol, and taking advantage of the other person’s incapacitation (including voluntary intoxication).
Stalking is behavior in which a person repeatedly engages in conduct directed at a specific person that places that person in reasonable fear of his or her safety or the safety of others.
Consent is informed, voluntary and revocable. Consent is an affirmative, unambiguous, and conscious decision by each participant to engage in mutually agreed-upon sexual activity. It must be given without coercion, force, threats or intimidation. Consent must be ongoing throughout a sexual encounter and can be revoked at any time. Once consent is withdrawn, the sexual activity must stop immediately.
Complaint/Grievance Procedure
If you believe that you have experienced or witnessed harassment or sexual violence, notify your instructor, manager, Human Resources, or a Title IX Coordinator as soon as possible after the incident. Do not allow an inappropriate situation to continue by not reporting it, regardless of who is creating the situation. No employees, contract worker, student, vendor or other person who does business with the School is exempt from the prohibitions in this policy. Managers will refer all harassment complaints to a Title IX Coordinator for student-related complaints and to the Human Resources Department if the complaint involves an employee. In order to facilitate the investigation, your complaint should include details of the incident or incidents, names of the individuals involved and names of any witnesses.
All complaints involving a student will be referred to one of the campus’s Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinators are listed below and they have the responsibility of overseeing all Title IX complaints and identifying and addressing any patterns or systemic problems that arise during the review of such complaints.
Nancy Poole
Jordan Poole
The School ensures that its employee(s) designated to serve as Title IX Coordinator(s) have adequate training on what constitutes sexual harassment, including sexual violence, and that they understand how Strand College’s grievance procedures operate. Because complaints can also be filed with an employee’s supervisor or Human Resources, these employees also receive training on Strand College’s grievance procedures and any other procedures used for investigating reports of sexual harassment.
Investigation of Complaints
In response to all complaints, Strand College promises prompt and equitable resolution through a reliable and impartial investigation of complaints, including the opportunity for both parties to present witnesses or other evidence. The time necessary to conduct an investigation will vary based on complexity but will generally be completed within sixty (60) days of receipt of the complaint. Strand College shall maintain confidentiality for all parties to the extent possible, but absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. In cases where a student does not give consent for an investigation, Strand College will weigh the student’s request for confidentiality against the impact on campus safety to determine whether an investigation must proceed. Complainants should be aware that in a formal investigation due process generally requires that the identity of the charging party and the substance of the complaint be revealed to the person charged with the alleged harassment.
The preponderance of the evidence standard will apply to investigations, meaning Strand College will evaluate whether it is more likely than not that the alleged conduct occurred. Both parties will receive written notice of the outcome of the complaint.
During the investigation, Strand College will provide interim measures, as necessary, to protect the safety and well-being of students and/or employees involved.
If Strand College determines that unlawful harassment or sexual violence has occurred, immediate appropriate corrective action will be taken in accordance with the circumstances involved. Any employee determined by Strand College to be responsible for unlawful harassment or discrimination will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Remedies for student-related claims may include, but are not limited to, an order to stay away, suspension or expulsion.
To initiate a criminal investigation, reports of sexual violence should be made to “911″ or local law enforcement. The criminal process is separate from Strand College’s disciplinary process. To the extent that an individual is not satisfied with Strand College’s handling of a harassment or discrimination complaint, he or she may also contact the appropriate state or federal enforcement agency for legal relief.
Retaliation Prohibited
Strand College will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint, and will not tolerate retaliation by students or employees. If you believe you have been retaliated against, you should promptly notify your instructor, Human Resources or a Title IX Coordinator.
Report Requirements
Victims of sexual misconduct should be aware that Strand College administrators must issue timely warning for incidents reported to them that pose a substantial threat of bodily harm or danger to other members of the campus community. Strand College will make every effort to ensure that a victim’s name and other identifying information is not disclosed, while still providing enough information for community members to make safety decisions in light of the danger. Strand College reserves the right to notify parents/guardians of dependent students regarding any health or safety risk, or a change in student status.
Additional Information
Employees and students should contact a Title IX Coordinator for more information or any questions related to this policy. In addition, the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) investigates complaints of unlawful harassment of students in educational programs or activities. This agency may serve as a neutral fact finder and will attempt to facilitate the voluntary resolution of disputes with the parties. For more information, visit the OCR website at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/.
Strand College of Hair Design is not required to keep a Daily Crime Log.
Strand College of Hair Design is not required to keep Missing Student Notification Procedures due to not having on-campus housing facilities.
Strand College of Hair Design is not required to keep a fire safety log or annual fire safety report due to not having on-campus housing facilities.